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<link rel="alternate" href="https://www.uxwebsolutions.co.uk/post/blog-seo" hreflang="en-gb">
All of these tips are easy to implement and they're all worth the effort! They may take a little time at first, but once you get into the swing of things, it'll be second nature.
You can also combine some or all of these methods depending on what works best for you and how much time you have available to spend blogging every day
In Web Design Southampton, we say Yes!
blogs are good for SEO - in fact, they're one of the most effective and long-lasting ways to increase your website traffic. But it's not just about getting more visitors; it's about achieving top rankings in search engines.
A blog is a great tool to use when you want to rank high on Google for competitive terms.
It means that search engines look for blog content to help them understand what your site is all about. If the meta description, meta tags and titles are not optimized then most people will probably bounce before they even arrive at the blog post which could really hurt your rankings.
This post explains how you can optimize your blog posts for SEO success.
Here's a quick example: Say you write an article about why investing in gold bullion is a smart choice for anyone who wants financial security and peace of mind (that's meta keywords by the way).
Now, let's say that I'm looking to invest money in a new business venture (i.e.: meta keywords) but I don't know anything about investing. I type that into Google and your gold post pops up, along with a few other results but because of meta tagging & meta description optimization, people think you can answer some of their questions so they click through to your blog.
That's all it takes - one click! The point is, when meta tags are optimize your blog for popular keywords (i.e.: meta keywords), you have the potential to bring in new traffic which will lead to increased sales or signups and repeat visitors who will stick around to read more of your content.
Another benefit is that blogs provide natural links . A lot of bloggers like to link out to articles on sites like Forbes and Huffington Post because there is valuable information that their readers may find interesting.
When a blogger links to another website, it gives the linking site an inbound link (i.e.: natural keyword optimization). That is a positive ranking factor for Google and Bing.
This post will show you what you need to do to increase your blog's keyword rankings, so let's get started!
A keyword phrase is simply two or more words that represent something specific .
For example, 'gold bullion investing' is one keyword phrase because those two words mean something very specific - they're synonyms for each other but that doesn't really matter here since we don't have any meta descriptions on our posts yet.
Now, if I were to add three more words before 'gold bullion investing', that keyword phrase would change.
For example: "If you want to make smart money decisions and invest wisely, then learn the secrets of [keyword keyword keyword]".
Now that keyword phrase is more specific because it's actually possible for someone to search for that keyword phrase (i.e.: gold bullion investing). If you include up to seven words in a keyword phrase, then it's even better!
Keywords are essential to SEO and using keyword phrases allow you to achieve top rankings quickly.
In this tutorial I will show you how to use keyword research techniques from Term Explorer , Google AdWords Keyword Planner , Ubersuggest & Long Tail Pro .
We'll also talk about keyword suggestions from Ubersuggest keyword ideas from Ubersuggest keyword suggestions keyword magnets .
keyword phrases keyword strategy keyword suggestions .
How to use these keywords in your meta tags and titles. Let's talk about SEO writing techniques that will blow up your traffic… (get ready, it'll be fun) with SurferSEO
Your site title is the headline news articles and links should be written for humans not search engine robots.
Therefore, you'll want to write a good headline that stands out and gets people curious enough so they click through to read the full article which means more page views for you.
SEO can be a daunting subject for many people. With so much information out there, it’s hard to know what is worth your time and what isn't.
This article will take the guesswork out of SEO by showing you how bloggers who don't have technical knowledge or websites/blogs can benefit from these techniques without any complications!
Blogs are an easy way for individuals and businesses to maintain a website or blog online, as well as communicate with customers via content.
Blogs are written using various software applications or blogging platforms. Blogger is one such platform, and people who have blogs can use (SEO) techniques to help improve the chances that their blog posts appear higher in search engine rankings.
Search engines are increasingly likely to list blogs, especially those that are actively updated, higher in search engine results. Because of this, it is important for bloggers to know how to optimize their blog for keyword research and SEO techniques.
Search engines like Google index content on blog pages differently than they do "static" pages of website, because blog posts change regularly.
And since your blog post's URL will be different every time you publish a new entry, it's important to optimize your blog posts the title of each post so that you get more hits from search engines.
You need to do two things when optimizing titles for SEO: Use keywords naturally and choose a keyword-rich title over an alternative that might sound better.
In order to put your blog posts on the front page of search engine for a specific topic, you'll need to optimize every part of each post. This is especially true when it comes to optimizing your blog posts with keywords.
To help search engines find and index your website faster, use the first 100 words or so of your blog post to include high-value keywords that support what you're trying to communicate in each entry.
Also include an attention-grabbing opening paragraph that makes readers want to learn more about what you have to say about your topic.
Make sure that all these elements are relevant and related to one another in some way as well, preferably in a way that's logical and easy to follow. You want potential readers to be able to find your blog posts, after all!
Since not every search engine spider can crawl content inside the body of your blog post, using HTML markup for some basic information on each entry is critical.
To help Google know that your blog contains new, original content with relevant keywords in each post when it crawls through your site from time to time, you should add a title tag somewhere within the <head> section of each page.
This will tell search engines what they need to know about what's in the body of each post on your site and why they should keep coming back for more. It may be tempting to add a title tag into the body of your blog post, but search engines can't read this information.
Just as with , the meta description is another important part of each page that search engines like Google use when they decide whether or not they should feature one of your blog posts in SERPs.
To help search engines tell people why someone might want to click on a link to view your site, add an HTML description for each entry within the content area of the <head> You want your blog to rank higher in Google.
Use these 11 tips for SEO that will work best with blogs. All of these tips are easy and worth the effort! If you combine some of these methods, that's even better.
One of the best things you can do to help improve your blog's chances in Google is to make sure that you're getting at least some incoming links from sites that are related to what you write about.
Here are a few ways that you can increase your backlink potential by utilizing social media marketing tools such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:
1) Be a guest blogger for other blogs in your niche (with permission first, of course).
2) Write product reviews or post product pictures on Pinterest
3) Add a "related posts" section at the end of each entry
4) Comment on each others' blogs post
5) Build relationships with people who have influence in social media circles
Yes, but not for the reasons you may think.
There are many misconceptions about blogging and SEO tips on the Internet today.
Some people say that blogs aren't good for SEO because they don't offer links for Google to index or because SEO blog are dated so new content doesn't last long enough on Google's first page search results.
Like anything else the key to blog success is consistency, but there are some extra steps you'll need to take if you want your blog to rank high on Google's search results.
Are blogs good for SEO? Definitely! In fact, blogging can help improve your rankings even more than a static website. Blogging helps build an audience that will link back to your site with higher quality and offers more "proof" of authority in the eyes of Google.
The best part about it is that blog writing is relatively easy once you get into a routine and leave it up as a daily or weekly task (depending on how often you expect other people visiting your blog).
One of the biggest reasons why blogging is so beneficial to your SEO is because you're creating content that people are naturally more eager to share.
People love sharing blog posts and they link back to them much more often than a static webpage. Social media links help drive traffic too.
For example, if you write a keyword-optimized blog post about "dogs" containing 150+ words within the first two paragraphs and include variations throughout your entire article (2-3 times), then there's a good chance Google could show it for keyword searches like "How do I train my dog?" or "Best toys for dogs".
The simple answer to this question is no. Google owns Blogger; it's a free blog hosting service that was once popular but has fallen out of favor in recent years due to competition from similar services like WordPress and Tumblr .
If you want your content on the web, you can't expect anything from Google. However, if you really don't mind using another platform then here are some tips for optimizing SEO with Blogger:
Because many visitors will find your blog through search engines rather than by typing its address directly into the browser (this is known as organic traffic), your primary concern should be writing great content others want to link to.
Blogging is still 'alive and kicking' as it was in 2005! Why?
Because blogging retains higher search engine rankings than social networks. Yes, you read that right. And not only that – but at the time of writing this blog, there are more Google searches on a daily basis than ever before.
Transparency in blog SEO will increase your trust by readers, which leads to increased sales .
We know from recent studies that consumers prefer businesses they can trust! In fact, in one survey we found 84% of consumers said they'd rather support small businesses over big brands.
Check out our article for 4 tips for blogging with Transparency here .
Over 70% of small businesses don't have websites yet, so most people look for information on local businesses including restaurants, spas, health and beauty salons etc. via search engines such as Google and Bing.
However, only 27% of small businesses who have a website are active in blogging about their business (from the same survey mentioned above).
Whether it's your first blog or you're just setting up a new one, it can be hard to know where to start. SEO tips isn't something that you can really take for granted like some other aspects of blogging.
If you want your blog posts to be seen by as many people as possible, then it's important to make sure they get the right kind of attention from the search engines and ultimately rank in high positions on Google (and other search engines).
To create blog SEO that will attract people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.
That means writing about topics that will interest them and writing in a way that will keep their attention so they'll stay on your site long enough to read your whole post.
This is particularly important if you want to earn money from your blog because people who stick around will be the ones that are most likely to click on any ads or links in your posts, and therefore generate income for you.
If nobody sticks around long enough to read your content though, then you're pretty much wasting your time!
For the best results with blogging SEO, you need to focus on three main areas:
How often you publish posts What keywords you use A correctly formatted blog feed
Having regular blog SEO is important because that's what will help you build up a following and keep people coming back to your site every day.
The more often you post, the less you'll have to worry about competing with other bloggers for placement on search engines because the algorithm will vary your ranking from time to time automatically.
If you are looking to build a blog SEO on blogger, then it is very easy. Just follow these steps and you have your new blog post up and running in no time.
Blogging for SEO Every blog you write should be specifically written for search engine . That means it should answer a question, solve a problem or give important information to the reader.
Keywords are very important in optimizing your blog posts.
When planning your new post, think of 4-5 keywords that will relate to the topic and specific problems that your readers might have with this subject matter.
Add these into your first paragraph and throughout the body of the article as well. In blogger, you can add Meta tags and keywords using this tool . Do not stuff them through out every sentence though because not only does it look bad, but it is also very ineffective.
Use rich snippets in your blog posts to show the search engines what your post is about and relevant websites or blogs that it may be associated with.
To do this, just download a plugin for blogger called 'Rich Snippets'.
Once you have activated this tool on your blog, go into edit mode and insert some code at the beginning and end of each post. This will include information like title, author, date published etc.
Be sure to include links going back to your own website or other reputable sources within the body of every blog you write.
These should be placed near the end of your articles but not directly after any images or video clips that are used within them. These need a little bit more attention, such as the title and description to attract readers.
You want to blog about a topic that people are talking about, and then you want to make sure that your post gets found by people who need it. That's the ultimate goal of any blog post, right?
Getting Started with blog SEO
When starting out blogging for SEO (blogging to increase search engine rankings),
I recommend using free Webflow hosting from sites like Blogger or Wix , but if you have the resources available, I suggest going with paid self-hosted Webflow hosting .
You get loads more freedom in design and functionality (not to mention speed and security). However, options like Blogger or Wix are great if all you need is a simple blog.
Just make sure not to go overboard with customizing things because they will slow down your site.
Then, after you have a blog set up and ready to go, make sure that you use the title , meta description and keywords in your blog . Your goal is for people to engage with your content by clicking on it when they are searching for information like yours.
So be descriptive about what's going on in the article without giving away the entire thing! After that, before publishing your blog , check out my list of title tags under this article (it's directly below these words).
It will walk you through how to SEO optimize each word of your page title.
Finally, once everything else is sorted out and posted online, then it's time to start driving traffic .
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing a blog , webpage, or website to rank higher in search engine result pages.
This can be accomplished by including keywords in meta tags, title tags. keyword density and keyword placement in the content. SEO also includes backlinks from other sites, social shares on platforms like facebook and twitter, etc.
The keyword research makes it easier to determine what your blog content should be about. keyword density and keyword placement helps you use those words naturally as you write your articles. In this article, we'll also discuss keyword optimization for featured snippets, which can help your articles rank in Google search results on a more regular basis (more on featured snippets below).
As the name suggests, featured snippet is a snippet of text that appears at or near the top of Google search result pages when someone does a quick query. Most often there are three results on any given page:
For webpages, we have two tips and one for "featured snippets."
Featured snippets are particularly helpful because many people tend to scrutinize them before clicking on any of the other results. Why? Because they're usually a quick and reliable answer to their query with no additional work on their part.
"You can think of [them] as mini-search engine results pages (SERPs), with only one result on a page. There are typically two listings below the snippet: a search ad and another link to more content around that particular topic."
Featured snippets are used for different types of searches, including: definitions, equivocations, conversions, calculations etc. You can find out more about featured snippets here .
Here's an example from a recent search I conducted:
As you can see in this screenshot, the article title is included at the top of the snippet. It also includes an image and some additional text without having to click through to read any other articles on the subject.
That means if you're curious enough to click on the title, Google will be making money and you won't have to start from scratch reading another post.
Prioritizing featured snippet optimization in seo can help your blog posts rank in seo. But that's just one of several seo techniques blog writers should use to increase their traffic. You'll learn about some other seo tactics below.
Keyword research for seo This is by far the most important step if you want to succeed with SEO (search engine optimization).
There are a number of tools available to help you do keyword research for SEO:
Google Keyword Planner or the WordStream Keywords Tool . These two resources alone should give you what you need 95% of the time.
Keyword density is the amount of times a keyword or keyword phrase appears on your page, compared to the total number of words.
This is one of those terms that can trip people up because keyword density makes it sound like it's about keyword stuffing. But really it isn't.
You can use keyword density as an indicator whether or not you should add more content about a keyword and expand upon it (or if you're doing too much) but keyword density alone won't magically make your blog posts rank higher in Google.
Blog optimization helps you gain more traffic and exposure to your blog.
If all the search engines can find all your content when people are searching for certain keywords, then they'll take you into account when ordering results.
The better optimized your site is, the higher up in results you'll appear.
The next questions that might come to mind are: "How high do I need to rank?" or "how many readers will I have?".
Well, it's hard to answer those questions because each situation is different; however, it could be beneficial if your blog posts ranked within the first page of search engine result pages (SERPs) on Google search for a few specific keywords that relate directly to content on your blog.
For example, if your blog is about a certain topic and people search for information on that topic using specific key words, then it will be beneficial if your blog are within the first page of results because you'll be able to increase readership from people who are seeking out content related to your blog's niche.
You can also mention keywords in the meta tags, such as the title tag, description, or even in links - which we’ll get to later!
Keep in mind though: Even if Google decides not to return you in SERPs for some reason (i.e., they think your site is low quality or they don't like what you said), optimizing still has its benefits.
For example, getting into search result even without ranking factor can provide a huge boost in readership, traffic, and exposure.
And when people are looking at those SERPs, they may click on your result even if it's one or two pages down in the results!
Although we've mentioned the benefits to optimize your blog or writing for SEO purposes, we'll go over some more guidelines.
These are just recommendations - you don't have to follow them all (or any) if you don't want to! But these are helpful items to keep in mind as we'll be writing meta tags and titles soon.
Optimize meta descriptions so search engines know what your blog is about
Keywords are only part of what meta tags are used for.
They're also used meta tags to tell search engines what your blog or webpage is about.
If a meta description tag is available, try to use it, as this will help search engine's rank you higher; meta descriptions should be less than 160 characters (in some cases Google might show 140 character meta descriptions).
This meta description does not allow HTML! It only allows basic formatting of headings (<h1>, <h2>, and so on) and bold and italic text with the addition of URL links at the end.
First, let's start with how meta tags can be used to help optimize your blog for SEO. As many of you already know meta tags are not visible to the user, but they are found in the code of every website.
They can be read by search engines and have an impact on where a web page shows up in search results. Just like meta descriptions, meta tags should contain keywords relevant to your post.
The meta title tag is located between the <head> </head> tags and should be something that captures someone's attention and tells them what a site is about.
Blog posts should be about a 1,000 words to rank well in search engines.
You can vary this from around 300-1,500 words depending on what length of content works best for your niche.
Some niches require more detailed or lengthy content because they have so much information to convey. Other niches can get away with shorter, to the point content.
Blogs are talked about a lot, and for good reason.
A blog can be the perfect way to grow your audience and to turn what you’re doing into something that lasts. However, many successful bloggers seem like they were born with a talent for blogging.
Getting started with blogging can seem daunting because of all the information out there about how to optimize your content or reach an audience, but it doesn't have to be so hard!
One of the most fundamental pieces of advice in blog post length is “Don't write about anything less than 1,000 words” (we're lucky it isn't more!).
A blog needs enough depth and detail so that readers know they'll get their money's worth. In blog design, you want to feel like your swimming in content so a long post feels right at home.
This is especially important for long-form blogs, which are great for niche experts or people working in the fields of finance or law where readers want their advice to be thorough and accurate.
With these types of posts, it's more about depth than keyword research or catchy headlines.
If you're writing long blog as part of your SEO strategy, then keyword research is still essential because you have to keyword optimize each paragraph.
You can use keyword tools such as “KeywordTool” to help you do this without too much trouble!
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